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Your son' body is made up of complex cells, tissues, organs and body systems that all work together to facilitate all the necessary physiological functions that it needs to perform on a daily basis. These functions strive to keep his body in a state of balance or homeostasis.


This test analyzes 46 items, including organs and organ systems, hormones and specialized nutrients.


Method - Hair analysis


  • Your client receives an email with instructions on how to take their sample
  • They will send their sample directly to the lab




  • 2-3 week turnaround time 
  • Both practitioner and client receive a copy of the test results and a letter of recommendations




Body Systems and Organs

Adrenal glands, bladder, body fluid, cardiovascular system, central nervous system (CNS), skin, gallbladder, heart, hypothalamus, immune system, kidneys, large intestine, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, pancreas, parasympathetic nervous system, parathyroid glands, pineal gland, pituitary gland, prostate gland, small intestine, spleen, stomach, sympathetic nervous system, and thyroid gland


Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, Androstenedione, Cortisol, DHEA, Insulin, Melatonin, Oestradiol, Pregnenolone, Progesterone, Prolactin, Reverse T3 (RT3), Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Tri-iodothyronine (T3), Testosterone, Thyroxine (T4), and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Special Nutrients

Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione, Ubiquinol

We now know that every part of the body does not function in isolation, but rather are constantly communicating with each other through chemical compounds, nutrients, hormones and neurotransmitters (messengers). So understanding the health of the body involves viewing its function holistically rather than as separate entities. 



Some factors impacting on homeostasis include the following:

  • Poor nutrition or malabsorption

  • Stress and anxiety, especially through teenage years

  • Environmental toxin exposure

  • Genetic factors

  • Certain medications

  • Dis-eases and conditions

An imbalance in one organ or body system affects the function of several other body systems. The affected organ or body system may slow down in function (known as hypofunction) or show an abnormal increase in function (known as hyperfunction). In both cases, the dysfunction creates a stress on the body which can impact on your health.

Let's use stress as an example.

On a physical level;

Anxiety -> high cortisol -> hormonal imbalance -> sleep issues, mood issues, anger, behavioural issues etc.

Anxiety -> inflammation -> sore tummy, headaches and migraines, joint pain etc.

On an emotional level;

Chronic Stress -> adrenal fatigue -> low energy, lack of vitality, low mood, relationship issues, self care and self image issues etc.




The Children and Teen's Health Test is a unique comprehensive test, specifically created for young boys.


It shows imbalances within organs, organ systems, their hormones and specialised nutrients and their impact on the body's function.

This test can be used as a wellness screen for boys that allows you to quickly identify areas of imbalance. 

This test is also available for adult men (age 18 +). See Comprehensive Men's Health Test.

Pract. Only - Comprehensive Children & Teens Health Test (boys)

  • NO test kit is required for this test.

    Easy to follow instructions will arrive in your inbox upon ordering.

  • We recommend that you always seek the advice of a qualified health care practitioner regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment before acting on this test information. Nourished by Nature does not provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Nourished by Nature is not liable to you or anyone else for any loss or negative consequence caused in whole or in part by interpreting, delivering, or reporting information through the utilizing of laboratory testing services. In no event shall we be liable to you or any other party for any decisions made or action taken or not taken by you in reliance on such information.

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