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Method - Hair Analysis

This test cannot be performed on dyed hair

(choose the Heavy Metal & Environmental Toxin Test if body hair isn't an option)


  1. Upon ordering, the lab kit will be sent directly to your home address.
  2. You take your sample in the comfort of their own home and send your sample to the lab via pre-paid courier.​


Test Results


  1. 2-3 week turnaround time

17 minerals: 

  • Boron - B
  • Calcium - Ca
  • Cobalt - Co
  • Chromium - Cr
  • Copper - Cu
  • Iron - Fe
  • Germanium - Ge
  • Iodine - I
  • Lithium - Li
  • Magnesium - Mg
  • Manganese - Mn
  • Molybdenum - Mo
  • Selenium - Se
  • Strontium - Sr
  • Vanadium - V
  • Tungsten - W
  • Zinc - Zn

18 toxic metals: 

  • Aluminum - Al
  • Antimony - Sb
  • Arsenic - As
  • Barium - Ba
  • Beryllium - Be
  • Bismuth - Bi
  • Cadmium - Cd
  • Mercury - Hg
  • Nickel - Ni
  • Lead - Pb
  • Palladium - Pd
  • Platinum - Pt
  • Silver - Ag
  • Thalium - Tl
  • Tin - Sn
  • Titanium - Ti
  • Uranium - U
  • Zirconium - Zr 


How Does It Work?


Hair tissue mineral analysis measures nutrient and toxic metal content of hair.

Heavy metals and toxins are brought into the hair shaft via the small blood capillaries running past the hair follicle.


Hair can contain minerals and metals and can accumulate over long periods of time. A wide range of metals and minerals can be measured in one sample providing a clear view on cellular health and nutrient metabolism.


Every physiological function in the body is reliant on minerals. Heavy metals and toxins both reduce and block essential minerals from doing their job in the body. This can cause an array of symptoms.


Since the structure of hair remains unchanged, the minerals are fixed in the hair and levels in hair do not significantly change once that portion of hair has grown. The analysis accurately provides concentrations of minerals that have accumulated in the hair tissue over the hair growth period, approximately one to three months.


Heavy metals toxicity can be caused by exposure to pollution, chemicals and poisons. It is a growing threat to the population as metals deposit in body tissues leading significant developmental and neurological damage.


Heavy metal toxicities can also lead to numerous health conditions including those affecting the cardiovascular, endocrine (hormonal), immune, muscle, skeletal, skin and nervous systems.


Common Conditions And Symptoms Related To Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Anger
  • Mood imbalances
  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Immune dysfunction

  • Muscular skeletal conditions

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Skin conditions

  • Immune and inflammatory condition

  • Mental health disorders

  • Allergies


How Are We Exposed


You can be exposed to toxic compounds by either;​

  • Inhalation (breathing)

  • Ingestions (eating or drinking)

  • Dermal (though the skin)

What Does Exposure Do To Our Body


Excessive exposure to toxins may lead to an accumulation in the body. They tend to deposit and store in adipose (fat), glandular tissue and the brain (Aluminium e.g).


The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body and is responsible for the clearing of these compounds. If the toxic burden becomes too high for the liver to cope with, the toxins will spill back into the bloodstream where they circulate and store in different parts of the body, particularly in fat, the brain and glandular tissue (thyroid gland, adrenals, pineal gland among others).

Their presence, in the long-term may lead to disruptions in the normal function of these glands and contribute to disease.


If a heavy metal toxicity has not been addressed, it can cause certain organs to shut down, leading to serious health issues and eventually death.

One Common Example


Mercury toxicity affects brain function (memory loss, anger, cognitive decline e.g), can cause headaches, fine tremor, increased salivation, excitability, poor mental concentration, metallic taste, fatigue, anorexia, psychoses, high bloodpressure with kidney dysfunction.


Heavy metal toxicity such as Mercury or Lead overload, can often be confused with early onset dementia as the symptoms are similar.


Once the appropriate treatment protocol has been put in place, it can be a huge relief to find your partner is not actually experiencing permanent cognitive decline.




A standard detox does not remove heavy metals and environmental chemicals, and can make things even worse by removing a metal (aluminium) from brain tissue and lodging it in the liver or other tissues due to incomplete detoxification.


Once your test results have arrived, we will discuss these as well as the recommendations in how to address any toxicities present.

HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) level 2

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